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Note: For the moment, only Homa team can use this feature, we have the plan to make available it for External Studio in the future, we will let you know when it's all good.

In the N-testing module, you have the possibility to test some test configuration in your own personal IOS, Android devices. With this feature you are able to

You have 2 ways to do the local test:

1. Test on your API address

Step 1.1: Go into the TEST IPs section and add a new one



Data Description Guideline
Localisation description Name which will be linked to this IP Address and display in the page
IP address IP address where you will do the test You can go on websites like https://whatismyipaddress.com/ to find your real IPv4 IP address and copy it into Homa Lab.
If you are in the Paris office, you can use the WeWork Homa IP (

Step 1.2: Go to your app's N-testing configuration in order to set up the local test parameters